
All Bricolage source code is stored in the Bricolage Git repository. Git is a high-performance distributed version control system. You can download it from the Git download page.

If you're interested in hacking on Bricolage, you'll need to sign up for an account and provide your SSH key. Then simply visit the Bricolage source tree and click the Fork button. You will then be able to clone your Bricolage fork like so (replace username with your GitHub username):

<%text>git clone

Make your changes to your fork, push them to GitHub, and we'll pull changes into the canonical repository as appropriate. If you want to get our attention to your changes more quickly, click the Pull Request link on your fork's repository page and make sure to select bricoleurs as a recipient.

To check out a branch, such as the 1.10.x maintenance branch, do this in your cloned copy:

<%text>git checkout --track -b rev_1_10 origin/rev_1_10

You can now make changes to the branch, commit them to your local copy as you make them, and then, when you're ready, push them back to your fork on GitHub, like so: git push origin

To get back to the master branch, just check it out:

<%text>git checkout master

To see what branches and tags there are, browse the entire repository via the Bricolage GitHub repository tree.

To learn how to use Git and GitHub, we strongly recommend that you peruse the GitHub guides, as well as the Git documentation.

The Bricolage Git repository is hosted by GitHub. Prior to that, the Bricolage Subversion server was graciously hosted and maintained by the crew. Special thanks to Robert Spier and Ask Bjørn Hansen for setting it up! And way back in the old days, there was even a SourceForge CVS Repository.