Bricolage 1.8.9 Released


The Bricolage development team is pleased to announce the release of Bricolage 1.8.9. This maintenance release addresses numerous minor issues in Bricolage 1.8.8 and adds a few improvements, including better use of the Default Asset Sort preference and and more intelligent URI and publish date handling. The most important changes include:


  • When a story or media document is published with an expiration date earlier than the publish date, the UI will now properly report that the document has been expired, rather than published. Thanks to Simon Wilcox for the spot. [David]

  • The Bulk Publish interface in the UI now displays the name of the site alongside the category if there is more than one site, so as to disambiguate the list of categories. Reported by Marshall Roch. [David]

  • Added constraints to the story and media tables in the database to prevent the publish status from becoming out of sync with the publish date and first publish date. [David]

  • Changed code to show the first displayable data field of a subelement when viewing or editing an asset as opposed to only text fields. [Paul Orrock]

  • Bric::SOAP::Workflow's publish method now schedules a publish job instead of immediately publishing, thus allowing the publish_date parameter to actually work, and ensuring that the proper version is published. [David]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed file names for files uploaded by MSIE on Windows. Again. Reported by Wayne Slavin. [David]

  • A media document that has a file uploaded to it before it is ever saved will no longer cause it to store the media file in a directory without an ID mapping it to the media document. This only affected installations where media were created by some method other than the Bricolage UI or SOAP. Reported by Rod Taylor. [David]

  • Story and Media on the search result page are now correctly sorted by the Default Asset Sort preference, or title if the preference is not set. [Paul Orrock]

  • Media file names are now URI-escaped for inclusion in the URIs returned by get_uri() and get_primary_uri(). Reported by Alexey Sheynuk. [David]

  • Eliminated an error in the permissions screen when a site with workflows has been deleted. Reported by Frank Febbraro. [David]

  • If a desk or My Workspace does not have assets of a particular type (stories, media, or templates) on it, it will no longer display buttons for them. Reported by Scott. [David]

  • Fixed the sorting menus for templates on desks. Also fixed them for all assets on desks so that sorting on categories sorts by URIs (which are displayed) rather than names. Template sorting issues reported by Scott. [David]

  • Adding a variable to the message in an alert type now properly triggers the update of the message character count. Reported by Scott. [David]

  • URIs are now always constructed with the cover date reflecting the global Time Zone preference, rather than the setting from a user's overriding Time Zone preference. This prevents URI conflicts and makes searches for URIs with dates in them consistent. Reported by Li Li. [David]

For the complete history of ongoing changes in Bricolage, see Bric::Changes.

Download Bricolage 1.8.9 now from the Bricolage Web site Downloads page, from the SourceForge download page, and from the Kineticode download page.

About Bricolage

Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a full-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason, HTML::Template, and Template Toolkit support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its repository. A comprehensive, actively-developed open source CMS, Bricolage has been hailed as quite possibly the most capable enterprise-class open-source application available by eWEEK.

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