Bricolage Site Templates 1.3 Released


Kineticode and the Bricolage developers are pleased to announce the fourth release of the Bricolage templates and elements that manage and generate the Bricolage Website. Version 1.3 contains a number of bug fixes, including one that allowed expired stories to appear in Archive documents.

But perhaps the most significant change in this release is support for the Bricolage 1.10 API. There were a number of changes in the API in Bricolage 1.10, and while most Bricolage installations won't notice the changes, the Bricolage site introspection template, in particular, makes extensive use of the element type and field type APIs, which have been substantially altered in Bricolage 1.10.

Furthermore, as part of the upgrade to Bricolage 1.10, the old element type class was renamed to "element type set" and deprecated, while the element class has been renamed element type, so as to avoid confusion with the element objects that make up the contents of stories. Thus, the element_types.xml file introduced in 1.2 now contains complete definitions for Bricolage 1.10 element types, and the old elements.xml file has been removed.

A complete list of the changes in this release is available in the Changes document.

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