Bricolage-Devel 1.11.2 Released
The Bricolage development team is pleased to announce the release of Bricolage 1.11.2, the third developer release in preparation for the forthcoming Bricolage 2.0. Some highlights:
At last! Expire elements assets when they are deleted!
Updated Javascript libraries.
AJAXified category URI auto-completion.
Copying and pasting elements in the story profile.
New core support for auto-creating media assets, such as thumbnail pictures.
A host of interface tune-ups, including better support for dragging elements, WYSIWYG editing, searching, and popup display.
How Are We Doing?
There are a bunch more changes in Bricolage 1.11.2; For a complete list, see the changes list. For the complete history of ongoing changes in Bricolage, see Bric::Changes.
Download Bricolage 1.11.2 now from the Bricolage Web site Downloads page.
About Bricolage
Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and
publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a
full-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason, HTML::Template,
PHP5, and Template Toolkit support for flexibility, and many other features.
It operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment and uses the PostgreSQL or MySQL
RDBMS for its repository. A comprehensive, actively-developed open source CMS,
Bricolage has been hailed by eWEEK as quite possibly the most
capable enterprise-class open-source application available.
—The Bricolage Team
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