“Bricolage Configuration Directives” Documented on Perl.com


Perl.com has published the followup to Bricolage maintainer David Wheeler's last article, entitled Bricolage Configuration Directives. This article thoroughly documents all of the Bricolage run-time configuration directives.

As I was writing the installation article, I realized I needed to cover the run-time configuration directives, as well, says David. All of the configuration directives are documented in the Bricolage sources, but I wanted to make sure that I provided a thorough description of them in this series so that readers can get complete coverage of installation and configuration issues just by following the articles.

So if you want to run the Bricolage virtual FTP server (for checking out, editing, and checking in templates), or need to tune your Bricolage server for improved security or distribution processes, this article is a great place to start. Each bricolage.conf directive is covered in detail, and many have links to related documentation.

The series is expected to continue, as well. The next article should cover an example of a document analysis and element definition, David says. Look for that article on Perl.com soon!

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