Bricolage Site Templates 1.4 Released


Kineticode and the Bricolage developers are pleased to announce the fifth release of the Bricolage templates and elements that manage and generate the Bricolage Website. Version 1.4 contains a few bug fixes, including a fix for the format of element_types.xml.

The most important change in this release, however, is the addition of several new XML files for creating objects in a freshly-installed Bricolage. With these files, you can set up your Bricolage install with all of the output channels, element types, and sites that are used to manage the very site you're reading right now! All it will take is:

<%text>bric_soap --username admin --password 'change me now!' \
    site update xml/sites.xml
bric_soap --username admin --password 'change me now!' \
    output_channel create xml/output_channels.xml
bric_soap --username admin --password 'change me now!' \
    element_type update xml/pull_quote.xml
bric_soap --username admin --password 'change me now!' \
    element_type create xml/element_types.xml
bric_soap --username admin --password 'change me now!' \
    category create xml/categories.xml
bric_soap --username admin --password 'change me now!' \
    template create xml/templates.xml

These commands update the default site to be named (you can log in to Bricolage when you're done to change it to whatever you like, but this allows the element types to be created), creates all the output channels for which there are templates, creates all of the element types (and updates the default pull_quote element type), creates a few utility template categories, and then creates all of the templates. You can then log in to Bricolage and start messing with the templates without further delay.

Not bad, eh? The only downside is that, to actually use the templates, you'd need to set up your Bricolage with a bunch of Mason components (for the front-end server), style sheets, and images, and configure Bricolage to send previews to a Mason server. Perhaps the needed files will be in a future release.

A complete list of the changes in this release is available in the Changes document.

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